Titre :everything that's coming to fortnite this week Fortnite is preparing for

il y a 2 ans 8 mois #301616 par fabrice francky
Titre :everything that's coming to fortnite this week
Fortnite is preparing for the arrival of it's week 4 quests, the latest batch of tasks to give players a new way to earn XP.
This early into Season 3, weekly quests are an essential part of levelling up your battle pass and getting all of your rewards. Here are all the Week 4 Quests for Fortnite
Source : shrinke.me/clTFv35f
Le RETOUR de MONGRAAL sur FORTNITE😱 Néo TILTED de RETOUR 😳 (Dentoz Fortnite) : shrinke.me/xMfIyFwY

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